THE Essential guide for all serious garden visitors !
As a lecturer in garden history, I am always being asked for that elusive 'Garden Reference Book' or that essential Guide Book ! THERE isn't one !
There is NOTHING more informative than actually visiting gardens or landscapes ! There are no substitutes for actually walking a landscape, experiencing a gardens surprises and delights! NO BOOK can replicate that..though I try endlessly in my talks and lectures !
However, I never travel without my trusty 'YELLOW BOOK' !! I had always understood the NGS to be the last bastion of 'Old England' ! Of traditional gardens endlessly visited by members of the Women's Institute ! Retired folk only in it for the CAKE !
How wrong was I proven to be ! I was given a guide a few years ago..I began using it..and found such an exciting array of utterly contemporary and exciting gardens... through all garden styles to vast country estates rarely open to us mere common folk ! It has been the ONE essential guide I carry with me and consult on all garden trips...of which I do MANY !
In support of the guide, I will be writing about a garden discovered using the every day for the next week ! In the hope that you garden lovers will enjoy both the variety of gardens visited and actually treat yourself to this invaluable garden visiting tool ! Please order yourselves a copy, do yourself a favour, and enjoy a whole year of exciting garden visiting....and some truly wonderful CAKE !!
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